Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tomorrow's a holiday

I'm not ready for holidays la. Hahaha that sounds weird.

ANYWAY. I just found out that our class WON the arca competition??!! Why didn't anyone tell me?! Oh my goodness I'm so outdated laaa. Ishhh. How can man... *lan depressed* OKAY done depressing. Lol.

Today we didn't have many classes. Well, a bunch of us only turned up AFTER recess. Heard there was no bio and english? Cool. SEE. At least we came for chemistry and PHYSICS right.. Gradnite is coming! 2nd october. Imagine, this time next year, we'll be dress-hunting o.0 I wanna see KAIQI KIM PEIQI in dress!!!! HAHAH. It's gonna be FUNNN. =) Come on la. It'll be one of the LAST events we'll be having together.

Ooooo! Check this out!! CLICK HERE. It's soooo cool i tell you!!
Okay. Study well this hols! Oh and SELAMAT HARI RAYA! =D

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